Day 4

  • Author Steph Sanders
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 4: After waking at 11.30 am I decided to weigh myself. 72.4 kg - so a 1.6 kg loss over basically 2 and a half days - promising stuff! I spent the day with my boyfriend and bought a 6 inch chicken salad Subway sandwich (not sure why I opted for subway, never eat it) I wasn't able to finish it as my body just didn't really feel like it wanted any food. I've spent a lot time training myself to stop eating when I'm full, rather than finishing my meal, which is confusing as I now have to force myself to eat throughout the day. Felt fine on this day, didn't seem to notice the energy levels I'd experienced previously, but I was still able to carry out the day without feeling flat.
Made pumpkin soup for dinner and had two and a half small mugs and a square of chocolate afterwards - I find this very strange because I've always thought those people that eat one square of chocolate were a myth, but one piece was plenty for me and I didn't crave another after. My boyfriend made note of my lessened appetite that evening - I haven't yet told him I'm taking duromine. Only told my brother thus far. Was able to manage a 45 min nap before work and woke up feeling really confused when my alarm came on.


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Steph Sanders
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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