Day 4

  • Author I need to do this!!!
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
so let's begin with the fact that I did absolutely 0 exercise today! I was so busy I literally didn't have a chance before I picked my son up from school.

Eating wise, again not much banana for brekky, tuna and crackers for lunch, lentil chips as a snack and chicken pad Thai for dinner.

Tomorrow I'll get off my butt and get to the gym


Hectic days can ruin all our plans in a finger snap. Good for you on monitoring your food. Not much vegetables though.. However, I am sure you will find what suits you the best. Just remember to avoid starving. =) Hopefully, plans for the gym will come to reality. Don’t push too hard. Keep in mind that you will need to move the next day =)
Yay! You're doing so well and you're the same age as me. Hi!

Blog entry information

I need to do this!!!
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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