Day 4

  • Author Emtime
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey guys!

So today has been a great day :) I’m feeling super proud!

I got up at 5:30am this morning and did a 45min bodypump class then took my dog for a half hour walk. Man I was sore after that!

Then off to work, ate really well and my energy levels weren’t too bad! No side affects either!

After work I went off to an hour pt session that killed but was great :) good meal for dinner and hopeful for a decent night sleep!

So I’m one happy girl :) looking forward to week 1 weigh in!


You rock, Em! That is a lot of activity!!! Glad you eat decently with all that activity. And really happy for your positive attitude. Keep it up!

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1 min read
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