Day 4

  • Author byronsmummy27
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
mourning everyone,
so here i am day four and feeling very proud of myself, last night my family were together and decided they would eat pizza and guess who was gonna make it??? ME!! the girl on the diet!!
as i was making them this fantastic looking pizza i realised that i didnt need it nor did i want to ruin the great day of eating healthy that i had just accomplished.
so i sat there with my cup of veggie soup as they ate pizza and felt really good about myself! usually i would eat half a pizza and then sit there for the next 2 hours feeling really bad about it but not this time i felt fantastic!
also preety happy that my partner said my face looks less 'pudgey' as he put it!
he is a skinny young guy and to tell you the truth i dunno how he put up with my weight for soooo long,
anyways day 4 here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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