Day 4

  • Author tams86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day 4 on duromine and id like to say its the best thing ive ever done and i wish id tried it a loonngg time ago.

I pooped my 30mg this morn and got up to get ready for the gym. I missed breaky this morn and I knew that was a huge no no as I felt a bit odd all morn til i ate next.

I did a 45min cardio/weight sesh at the gym. It felt good to get in and mix it up.

I had a chicken wrap from Red rooster for lunch and every bite made me feel a bit blah. I know it was a healthier option then some but all i could think of as I felt the sauce running down my chin was "calories calories calories". I guess i felt guilty for not having breaky then eating this. One of my mental hurdles with food that I have to get under control. Usually I would use it as an excuse to "self sabotage" but today I brushed it off and continued on my journey.

I was very thirsty today and drank quite a bit of water. My partner seems to have stocked the fridge with softdrink so found it a huge challange to keep away from the lemonade which i love love love. I did it though :) :) :)

I had a lazy afternoon catching up on computer work whilst my darling little one (who is 15months today, gosh where has time gone) slept.

Around 8pm I got a shot of energy and just wanted to walk walk walk. Luckily my partner was home from work & bubba was in bed so I pulled on my runners and took the dog for an hr jog/walk :) I was very proud of myself for doing that :) My legs feel a little sore already, i dont blame them, its prob a huge shock to them lol.

I snuck onto the scales today .... and OMFG I did the biggest happy dance!!!!!

START WEIGHT : 119.2kg


Im loving the feeling off seeing the scales go down, its the biggest confidence boost and the biggest motivator to keep my journey going.

On that note im off to bed with a huge smile on my face :)


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