Day 5 - Back at work.

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well day 5 has come around quick! I think this would be the flattest I've felt to be honest, but considering the last 4 days have all had activity (cardio, weights, swim) plus busy days at work and my day 'off' wasn't exactly quiet either, I cant complain really.

I still feel that kinder pep in my step and the focus which is cool, just a bit flat in mood maybe..
Sleep was ok, The dogs on the bed moving around during the night woke me a couple times and it took roughly 15-20mins to sort of nod off again, so that could be a wee factor too.

So today I'm going to treat like a bit of a rest day, keep to my food intake routine and in my spare time possibly Google more calorie contents of things (finding this more and more interesting) between jobs.

Have a good day guys!!
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Hi Rob! Sorry that day 5 is not as energized as the previous days were. However, it’s great that you still have your motivation and keep moving forward. Best of luck with the research part. Indeed, it is very interesting to learn about the caloric value of foods and realize how much you were eating or trying to come up with dishes of certain caloric value. =)) Cheers!

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