Day 6 week 3

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today was a very exciting productive day had my tablet around 7am had my shake around 8am and started the day off with a workout :) the workout I've been doing is getting easy.. I may have to change it up abit or advance the excercises! This although is a bit nerve racking as when I started I was so unco and couldn't do many repetitions of the sets I am quiet smug in myself about it as I am not a beginner in excercise anymore :))

Last night around midnight I woke to feed bub and had a bit of a panic attack :-/ I am very on edge as is so I don't think it was because of the medication but it could of been..
But as soon as I fell asleep I was fine and woke up feeling better :)

For dinner we had marmalade chicken and it was delish!

I also picked up my treadmill today and a friend was selling a cross trainer so scored that too :) also a step machine and am getting an ab twister tomorrow :) next on my list is a boxing bag ;)

I hope everyone is enjoying there weekend :) and always stay positive it's my biggest belief! :)


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