Day 7 and still going :)

  • Author Palsah
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone.

Im new here and looking forward to being inspired. Current Weight is 80kg and looking to go down to 65kg. It's my 7th day on Duromine 30mg. I havent weight myself yet but I can feel the difference already. Im extremely energetic and I walk for 20 minutes each morning. Side effects so far is insomnia(I sleep for only 4 hours a night) But wake up feeling so fresh. I have a dry mouth which is good coz it makes me drink lots of water. Im dizzy, ZERO appetite,however, I just make sure I eat breakfast and lots of fruits , then for dinner I have veges . Also I suffer from severe headaches here and there. The only bad side effect so far is change in my moodswings-In the mornings I tend to be more excited (for no apparent reason:p) and in the afternoon I just completely switch off, all depressed and get easily annoyed :( ..

I cant wait for all these effects to be over, But mostly I cant wait to get good results..#High5


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