• Author chrissykay23
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read

so iv been blogging everyday for the last 7 days and my journey so far was what i expected from what iv read and been told ! some things i may of missed and had to question but it ended up to be all ok!

the last week iv had chest pain, endless energy, sleepless nights! (51/2 hours suck! which only lasted 3 days), no appetite, mood swings (lasted a day! i snapped myself out of that quick smart!) the feeling of satisfaction.. (in a good way) and last but least BLOATING & CONSTIPATION!! (thats one thing i missed and didn't read about!!)

iv learnt a lot from 7 days ago and how i use to eat, what i ate and what i looked like! flicking through pictures on the computer, i new i was big but i didn't no how big i made myself stuffing my fat face with everything!!

4 years ago i met my current boyfriend josh, and in a year i put on a lot of weight as you do getting comfortable, i weighed in at 81.6KGS!! I cried looking at that number.. the scales from that day were not my best friend.. i decided to change my ways and i got into "body trim" it taught me how to eat, what to eat, when to eat and DRINK lots of water!! i lost in 3 months 16.6kgs!! i got to my goal weight of 65kgs...

my mistake was "I'm skinny now, i can't eat whatever" that FAILED! i got to 70kgs in the 2nd year with being with josh and by 3rd year i weighed between 73-75kgs..

7 days ago i weighed in at 76.5kgs...
i decided to change that and body trim wasn't helping.. i was eating to much of the good stuff and not keeping track of how much i was eating and what i was eating! and most of all i could go a whole day with a sip of water! BIG PROBLEM!

Duromine has been a journey in just one week!! its pushed me to my limits, made me look at myself, made me want my old self COMFORTABLE SELF BACK!! i wanted to feel light not heavy.. not self conscious! its shown me how much to eat and its shown me that to keep the weight off is to maintain my portion size! the bigger it is and the more you eat is more weight (duh!!) I already no what to eat and when but i NOW no what portion size i can eat and have to eat! its only week 1 and I'm sure theres more i may experience but so far so good! and i no i may have a shit week one week and lose nothing but thats the journey i have to go through to push myself further! like i hear all the time, you have to fall down and see why and pick yourself back up to better yourself! its all part of the plan and makes you a stronger person! PREACH THAT!! haha

i no i no your probably thinking just tell me your results!!!
i weighed in this morning on those stupid scales..


7 days ago i was 76.5kgs a total loss of 3.5KGS!! WOOOO!!!
its the first time in a year those scales have MOVED DOWN!!! and with my result I'm really happy!! and i can't wait for next weeks result and see where my body takes me!!

Im hesitant to put a pic up from what i looked like 4 years ago and now! but it may give you a better picture of what i looked like... haha
what do you think?? EEEKKK!!!

From now on ill blog weekly unless i have question or you guys wanna ask me something!
This time on my weightless journey feels right! with the endless support on here and my forever endless questions or long arse writing i no I'm on the right track!! thank you to all!
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