Day 7 week 3

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I feel a bit down in myself today :( as I weighed again this morning just out of curiosity and still haven't lost anything since Friday.. I don't know if this is normal but have seen others had a pause on the scales.. I am still at 97.6kg I also missed a workout today which I feel a bit disappointed in myself.. I do know its ok to have a break but because I knew my weight wasn't budging I just feel very let down! I made a promise to myself I would workout at LEAST once a day.. But I did heaps of cleaning all day!! And chasing after kids! But no high impact cardio or anything.
I have felt like this before when I have missed a workout I think I may be expecting too much too soon.. I will be ok tho ill pull my head in and back into the smiling happy bubbly positive person I am :)

We also had homemade creamy garlic pasta with prawns for dinner it wasn't much of a hit as it was very lemon tasting.. I don't like lemons much and neither does anyone else in the family apparently lol

Slept ok last night just the usual up and down every now and then am no where near tired ATM I'm hoping for a bit of a sleep (hopefully bub allows it) just feeling a little down today :(


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