DAY 7 weigh in day and update

  • Author Dani7
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So today i weighed in . I am really happy to say that i have lost 3.7kg :) (happy dance !)

I have however been getting very breathless and im not sure if its to do with the duromine or something else but i can handle it anymore so my plan is .. to make an app with my GP, i didnt take my tablet this morning to see if it helps and then i will depending on what GP says take every second day or one week on one week off or she may say stop completely :( I am really disappointed as i had a great loss this week and i want it to continue but my laboured breathing is hurting my chest and that is more important i guess. Either way i am determined to budge the bulges and eat less and good food not crap.


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