Day 7 Weigh In

  • Author gwen10
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
as i woke up this money and had my capsule at 6:30 i hit the gym pumped up with energy and had a 30 min run on the treadmill on a high incline before i could assess myself. anxious as i was contemplating on how the results will look like. i then stepped on the scale as i was looking i saw it counting 100....104...106.9 kg .....:) i lost 5.1 kg in my first week so happy:p.i wonder how much more weight i could loose if i had time to go to the gym and i'm very happy that i'm not experiencing those tremendous side effects. my first 7 days were great. i only experienced insomnia,dry mouth,loose bladder only which are manageable, i'm busy writing my exams and with the insomnia i use that time to study which is a bonus for me since i could study at night because i was always sleepy. i am not a big eater normal but i wasn't eating healthy now i have disciplined myself. no more take outs, no more oily foods. i love my greens and fruits that's what i eat most i have replaced my meat with salmon and tuna fish. i'm falling in love with my healthy eating plan before i couldn't bare eating steamed veges but now i enjoy them. this is all a mind game. if you tell yourself you can do something you will most definitely be able to do it. i'm going to enjoy this weight-loss journey

SW: 112KG
CW: 106.9 KG
week 1 : 5 kg weight loss- achieved
week 2: weigh in 100 kg (pending)


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