Day 7 !

  • Author Onmyway
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Morning all,
Day 7 and finally had a better sleep which is great - still not fantastic, but I went to bed a bit later and at least slept until 6.30 with about 4 wake ups - one at 4am where I took my tab for today. I was considering not taking it today so I could really sleep well tonight - but decided against that.

The positive about the sleep deprivation is that I managed to work 16 hours yesterday - I have a very high pressure job and the level of energy and ability to focus is incredible, so had a very productive day!

All other side effects are virtually nil now - feeling great, losing weight (although I haven't weighed since Wednesday), but I am actually starting to see the change and certainly feel it in my clothes.

Happy Friday all! I am going out for dinner tonight and then a party, so will be interesting how I go with that - Birthday lunch on Saturday as well - - eeekkkkk..... :eek: :)


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