day 7

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
sooooo one week in! and a total of 4.5kgs-its funy and sad how even that feels disappointing:/...I mean I remember being this weight a month ago but I binged for so long....I have to stop thinking well if I had just started doing this at 80kgs or 90kgs or 100 kgs....its done and the only way up is down..
I felt really good last night after I had a raging appetite ( nighttime is my worst) soi had a bath instead-I felt really proud of mysef:) but tonight was a different story-breakfast was good and healthy-water intake good-lunch good-dinner good-after dinner...not so much-had some rice crackers with cheese first then a chicken roll then some more rice crackers..i had a pear and a mandarine-i guess t the average person that would be so bad but I am trying to lose weight! grrrrrrr I need to work on my control. otherwise ill be back to my old habbits in no time-

so I guessyou can say the first week was a success I have learnt that I can do it but also that I need to really work on my impulses, I haven't exersized this first week a I just wanted to see how I felt,tomorrow is a different story I will start doing my 1 hr minimum and see if that makes a difference at next week weigh in:)

till tomorrow night when I choose to type instead of eat


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