Day 8

  • Author much.too.rare
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Okay, so I skipped a few days ... nothing too excited had happened.

I have still been getting up early, but managing to go back to sleep to a more decent hour (7.30am). Not feeling as queezy or sick anymore - and still a bit blocked up ... but I just try to eat the appropriate foods throughout the day to help with this :)

I haven't done much exercise in the last few days ... I've just been too sore from the days before that, which is quite upsetting because I haven't done much to be in pain, considering I'm 18 not 80. But will have to try push through that because losing weight is about a combination of both exercise and dieting.

Well, I told myself I wouldn't weigh myself until the second week ... but I decided to go against that. I've been weighing myself reasonably frequently. After a week I'd lost about 1.2kg's ... which I'm pretty happy about. That means I'm on track. Hopefully can lose a kg a week. Problem is, I'm very impatient lol - I want it off now !! Last time I lost weight (before getting sore), I was dropping it very fast because I was running/gymming.

I have noticed that I don't have an abundance of energy, and still get hungry at times. I almost feel as though the weight loss if from determination rather than the duromine ... Oh well - hopefully I start getting energy soon :)

Thanks for reading :)


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