Day Four - Saturday, 28th January

  • Author amyliz93
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day Four
Today I didn't feel too great. I got up at 5.30am and took my tablet then, instead of with my breakfast around 8am. I still went for a 50min walk, but i felt a bit headachy.
A few hours on, I was still feeling a bit off, I was really tired, energised, lethargic & I think I felt hungry, but it might have been nausea, I'm not entirely sure. One of Simon's aunts were up this weekend from Melbourne, so she came over for a few hours. Talking to her I realised I also had a little bit of dry mouth.
I had a yogurt for morning tea, before driving Aunty to the airport, which was around lunch time. I decided to go to the gym after dropping her off, and completed my Kayla Itsine BBG for week 3. I didn't go as hard as I could have, but I've been going well all week! By the time I arrived home, it was after 2pm, and I hadn't had lunch, so I warmed up a plate of ham that I baked on Thursday. I felt much better after eating!
Even though I felt better after my late lunch, I was still feeling tired, so I had an afternoon nap - how good are they! My afternoon was pretty laid back, Netflix & chill with hubby. After a day of feeling funny, I really wanted some comfort food, and was considering getting some Thai, either Fried Rice or Pad Thai, but I imagine they aren't as healthy as I think they are! I ended up settling for, again, left over ham & two fried eggs. I used our sandwich press to cook the eggs, that way I didn't need to use any oil!

It's now 9pm, and I am still so exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open, I can't remember when I felt this tired! I'm hoping I just need a good nights sleep & that tomorrow I'll feel fine again!
Fitbit steps:11 807 (92 active minutes)
MFP: 5262 kilojoules consumed


Hi, Amyliz! I hope you feel better by now. I read your posts, seems that you're losing little by little which is great! And your physical activity is just fine. Please don't forget to drink water and you won't feel that tired. Dehydration makes our body lose more energy. Wish you all the best.
Hi Kate, thanks for your reply! I feel much today (so far!). Today is my 'rest' day, so I'll just be taking it easy :) I think I had close to 3L of water yesterday, I have my water bottle near me at all times and usually get my 2L a day in :)

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