Day Three complete

  • Author Animals4life
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day three started off nice and early today just before 7am. Took my duromine immediately with a bottle of chilled water.
Again no hunger, no side effects. All nicely going to plan so far.

As for what I ate: As follows:
- breakfast-
125g yoghurt and 1/2 musli
slice of cheese (really wasn't hungry but thought I would put some protein into me).
1x small potato boiled
1x small kumera boiled
1x small pumpkin with skin boiled
1x medium carrot
1/4 cup of garden peas.
1 small felafel patty - my meat substitute
1 Table spoon of gravy.

My meal was not large - much smaller than I used to have before duromine if I bothered to cook at all.

I am hanging out to weigh in tomorrow. I don't know why I guess I am curious to know if it is having any impact at all. I guess it will be fine if I have lost something, if not though probably a bit disappointing. oh dear the choices


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