Day two :/

  • Author much.too.rare
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well, I don't know who actually reads this ... but it gives me something to do and a way of looking back.

So today started really weirdly. I woke up at 5.30am and was awake and alert. Normally I enjoy sleeping in or just "dozing", but this time was like a light switch had been turned on. I was ready to go. So I woke up - had some breakfast (this time two slices of toast) and took my pill for the day. I was in a mood to keep busy, and as the rest of my family were in bed asleep I had to try to keep busy. I ended up cleaning the house ... I did a whole lot. Which is very unlike me.

Lunch time went well, didn't feel like much so I just had pineapple and strawberry together. It was good and provided me with a bit of sweetness. I have been feeling a but nauseous and queezy the last couple of days ... I hear this is a normal, but uncommon side affect. I thought at first that the queeziness meant I needed some food in my stomach - so I went to put down another piece of toast. However, but the time I put it in the toaster and walked about 10 steps ... I was throwing up. It wasn't very nice. But I am determined to stay on them - I hope within a few days that my body will grow a tolerance to the side effects.

So yes, after losing my lunch, I was hesitant to eat much. I just sucked on a few ice blocks and drank a bit of water. By tea I was ready for a feed ... to be honest I was hungry. But, i didn't have half as much as I usually do and I was satisfied. Which I was very happy about.

It's about midnight here now - and I should probably get some sleep. I think the duromine will wake me up in the morning so I'd better start trying to get a good nights sleep. I haven't been feeling too bad, not too sick. However, I am starting to notice the more "tipsy like" effects from Duromine. I am becoming overly chatty and wanting to be busy - but I find it weird that there is about a 2 hour break in the middle of the day where I get overly tired and run down ... then back to busy busy busy again.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this.
Wish me luck xx


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