Doing It Tuff :( Lack Of Motivation And Willpower

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
:( well I have again lost the plot my life has been a whirl wind roller coaster for the past 6 weeks:eek: ... I want my life back....and I have decided to take it back:).... bloody hell who would believe starting a new job could stuff up ya MOJO...well it happened to me reaching for chocolate, lollies and chippies:eek:.. thank goodness I didn't hit the bottle and drown myself in copious amounts of Moet.. because I could have very easily... totally out of routine I have to get up an hour an extra day and did I mention the traffic OMG it is crazy I think I have become one of those road rages:eek: .... oh yes and then there is the work lol which I'm sure I will eventually luv... actually I know I will because I am following my passion and am very lucky:).. I'm just so use to being in-control, being the mentor and support person to my students and co-workers and I have very high standards of how training/inductions should be done...I know I need to give myself a break... try not to burn the candles at both ends, just relax and take it all in no mater how frustrating it can every ggggrrr day!!!! What has been happening is not the norm there are reasons for whats going on and it will all settle down soon... ahhh light at the end of the tunnel yippy ;) I am going on a holiday in 14 days yes 14 days woo hooo :):):):) and wont be back for a month ... I'm free again Yippy
So I am fully back on the Duromine 15 mg since Friday .. and will continue for the next 2 weeks and then have another break while I'm OS...
Wishing everyone a lighter scale for the next week me included ;)
start weight 110.3kg
current weight 85.3kg
loss to date 25kg
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I think we are both having the same struggles. It is very hard to keep the momentum going as long as we have and to get your mojo back when you lose it.
I have been trying, and failing, since the beginning of the year. The good news is that I have not done too much damage. I have had one good week and I'm hoping it will be the beginning of getting back on track.
I hope you can find it for yourself soon.
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