Duromine 15mg Day 4 = shit

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
so i went to the doctor did the blood test finally got the duromine (so happy) but then he tells me i might have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) did some reading online felt soo down becos all the symptoms i pretty much have its awful im ment to get an ultra sound but im scared so im giving myself 2weeks to deal with it before i kno for sure on the other hard it would explain so much about why my weight just never seems to go away! if u dont know what PCOS is i would 100% look it up worth the read!
Day 1 on Duromine was nothing like i thought it should be i felt as tho it sucked all the energy right out of my body i even had to have a nap i just couldnt cope.. and i was more hungry then i would normally be ...? no other side affects
my diet im a vego -
breakfast - weetbix with 1/2 cup of soy milk take pill around 0600
snack - 6 almonds with a Vaalia innergy health drink
lunch - small can of 4 bean mix 2 egg whites 2 mushrooms
snack - one fruit (orange is good for PCOS cos vit c helps absorb)
dinner - lots of green veg def broccoli (iron) carrot and small amout of culiflour and 2 strips of fake bacon or vegi patty
Day 2 still the same tired and hungry so confused as to why the pills are not giving me at the very least a bit of energy
Day 3 the hardest day of all wen ur on a diet this is the day i would normally fail on but i didnt fail kept on my diet BUT still stupid little pills dont work really giving some thought to maybe taking 2 pills that would bring my dose up to 30mg, day 3 i lost 0.8kg but not cos of duromine becos of my diet and pure will power to keep going now i am active daily i have 3 dogs that keep me very busy sometimes needing 2 walks a day (walks last from 30-45mins) and i have a tredmil that i love and get on for min 30mins a day because of the adds all u need is 30mins a day to stay fit and healthy well let me tell u u need more then that but the tredmil is something i do enjoy so i am now doing 30mins in the morning and 30mins in the afternoon SO while on this diet and being as active as i am why in 3 days have i not even lost a whole kg!!!
Day 4 still tired maybe not as much or maybe it seems normaly for my body to be this tired, ready to kick in the diet i sooo want chocolate and have realised another side affect of Duromine i sweat more and am buggered doing the smallest things like this morning i vacumed and i was sweating and wanted to sit down half way through now this has never happened from simply vacuming?! (maybe duromine or being tired)
i think im going to give Duromine 15mg 3 more days to start doing something for me n then if im still not happy ill start taking 2 pills altho if i go back to my doctor ill have to wait the extra time as if i was only taking 1


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