duromine...here we go

  • Author kailz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Hey everyone

Day fouron duromine and going goodish I THINK more of that later. I am using this site to track my progress (one thing duromine has achieved is made me more productive) i feel something has clicked and i am ready to set about this properly i have my food journal, my thinspiration hanging on the fridge, my plan for when im finished thought out unlike before im not going in all guns blazing starving myself it will never work THIS IS A WHOLE LIFESTYLE CHANGE and for once i am feeling good about the word DIET but before i give you my play by play ill give yu a little background knowledge as to why i am endevouring on this journey :p

So... i moved to scotland when i was 19 fell in love blah blah blah got implanon in(and it was cold) :p it was pretty much all down hill from there put on 15 kg moved home one year later got implanon out yoyo dieted like a mad woman up down up down got down and had about 6kg to go got implanon back in 6 mnths ago and BAM hello ten kg. Before i moved i was always slim never dieted never excercised averaged one meal a day and sat around 64kg im 188cm so it all seemed to even out and then a little cold weather and finally being smart about contraception and get a big kickin the teeth so this is how the journey began

before i start one thing ill let you know I DONT NEED A DRUG TO SEND ME CRAZY I AM CAPABLE OF DOING THAT MYSELF!

weight 85kg
height 188cm
age 22

Day one

i had read horror stories about sleeping so i set my alarm for 7:00am ( i like my sleep) took the tablet went back to sleep until 9:30 had an abundance of energey all day to begin with i start panicking cause i dont feel differant but then thinking im panicking more than usual must be working so back and forth i went until i called my mother to calm me. terribly dry mouth and drank about 3ltrs of water was not hungry at all but made myself eat feel asleep around 9:30

Day two

Woke at 5:30 managed to get back to sleep at until about 7 took the tablet same again heaps of energy dry mouth oh and a killer effing headache after about 5pm noticing i am full of beans and then SO SO SO cranky at night oh and i am powering through some amount of cigs. went to be at 11:30

Day three

BACK TO WORK i was abit worried about this but all in all it was fine made the day go quicker, i woke at about 8 pottered around got ready for work and headed shopping before i started couldnt sit still. not hungry but making myself eat no headache today YIPEE have been averaging about 680 cals a day not much but all i can stomach i think this is helping with the imsomnia side effect because by the time i work and go for a walk my body is running on nothing bed at 10;30

day four

woke at 6:50 fresh as a daisy went to work thought i felt a little hungary today but when i look back over what i ate it has been the least yet as i said i dont need a drug to send me round the twist i can do that to myself only had 628 cals today 11:19 AWAKE dont know whats going, on my bf is really noticing my crankyness now lol

all in all i still send myself abit nutty that it isnt working because i am not experiencing any of the horrific side effects everyone so freely pushed on me but so far in four days i have lost about 2.5 kg but i dont want to commit to an achievement until the end of the week.

ill keep you updated but all in all if you want to give it a go ignore the nae sayers everyone is differant


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