End of week 3

  • Author Dave39
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
start weight 102 kilos
Week 3 weight loss 1.2 kilos
Total weight loss 7.5 kilos

So end of week 3 and I weighed in at 94.5 kilos. After losing a lot during the first week, it seems my body is steadily losing less each week... From 4.4 kilos, to 1.9 kilos and this week 1.2 kilos. I'm wondering if I should ask the doctor for 40mg when I go for my repeat prescription next week as the 30mg don't seem to be working as well the longer I take them. I'm experiencing no side effects at all, sleeping well and still eating healthy. I had one night that I went out and had wine and pizza but apart from that it's been just water and clean foods. If I'm just losing 1 kilo a week it will take another 15 weeks to lose the weight and I'm only allowed another 8 weeks of Duromine. Has anyone else moved from 30mg to 40mg and what differences did you notice?


I'm in the same boat.
Week 1 (lost 3kg) week2 (lost 1.3kg) week 3 (lost 1.1kg)
I started at 85.7kg and after 3 weeks was 80.3kg. I'm now half way through my 4th week.
I'm also questioning whether to go from 30mg to 40mg when i go see the dr next week.
I'll be interested to see of he lets me do it, and I wish you all the success on your journey

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