End of week 3

  • Author Beck
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well getting on the scales this morning was certainly a let down - only 600g lost ... and I know why - I have been snacking ... not snacking like I used to (snacks more resemble meals! lol) - maybe a fun size chocolate bar here or there.

That's what I'm blaming anyway - otherwise I have been exercising - 1 hour everyday on the crosstrainer - averaging between 4-5km each time plus doing squats, crunches, planks and leg raises.

On the measurements side I've still lost though apparantly - 5.5cm from my waist and 4cm from my hips - I can kind of feel it my black work pants, but looking in the mirror and getting the kids to take photos of me not really seeing it.

But definitely not going to give up - I have to see my doctor near the end of my 2 month supply of Duromine and having that in the back of my mind keeps me going. Also - I'm very jealous of my sisters - slim and gorgeous. They want to do a family photo shoot with our mum, us 4 girls and our kids. I don't want to be the "fat one out". I know that my mum is also on Duromine but also too she has the added benefit of seeing the girls everyday and having them kick her butt - I live 4-5 hours away and no support here but hubby and the kids.

Will keep trying to plough through though ... need to get some inserts for my sneakers. The innersole is going and god my feet are hurting! Doesn't help that my ankles, particularly my left one, look like I'll be one of those old ladies going "have to go get my veins done today!" lol gross ... I think it's a combination of all the damage I did to it when playing netball many moons ago as well as putting on weight rapidly after having the girls.

So this weeks measurements:

Start weight @ 28/09/2013 - 140.3kg
1st week @ 05/10/2013 - 137.7 kg
2nd week @ 12/10/2013 - 137.1 kg

Total lost so far: 3.2kg


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