End of week 3

  • Author Chrissy Mack
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone,

It's been awhile since I last posted something so here we go. I'm about to start my 4th week on 30mg of Duromine. Before I finish I need to make an appointment with my Dr for a second dose. As for progress so far, I'm not sure what to say. Bit of mixed emotions & maybe I'm stressing for no reason as my total weight loss is currently 4.4kg. Which currently leaves me sitting on 92.4 kg.....I was so confident that by the time I see my Dr I will be in my high 80's at least. But I don't see this happening.

There could be a number of factors contributing to my slow weight loss. Previously I have seen a dietician who has put me on a strict calorie diet with 1000 cal intake. This also includes when training at home or in the gym. I can understand if someone was not so active and sitting on the couch but we are talking about someone who trains 4 - 5 times a week for an hour or so. Her response to my concerns were,' you will not expire'. However in saying that I haven't been able to stick to the 1000 cal and estimating intake around 1100 - 1200 cals. In relation to training I'm burring between 700- 1000 cals.

Water intake - 3-4L not only because my mouth is dry but I sweat a lot when I train.

Sleep - well no arguments here. I am starting to sleep straight throughout the night and loving it.

Energy - well not so much anymore. I remember my first week I would be buzzing after an hour but this has seem to wear off.

Appetite - still having a loss of appetite but not so strong anymore. I recall not feeling hungry and would have to force myself to eat even if it meant half of meal. Now i'm starting to feel hungry & know that I have to eat but need to make better choices (if that makes sense)

For the moment I will just continue to do what I am doing and hopefully the second month will be much better. Hope everyone else is doing much better :)


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Chrissy Mack
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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