End of Week 4

  • Author My Journey :)
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today is the end of the first month for me, I am honestly pretty dissapointed in the results for month 1.
SW: 83.3kg
CW: 80.3kg
Week 4 loss: 400g
Total Loss: 3kg
Goal; 65kg

I have been eating so well, completly exhausting myself at the gym and pool 4 times a week and i drink at least 3L of water a day. I know i dont have a huge amount to lose and i am doing alot of resistance/weights training and I can see the difference in strength/muscle in my body but i am starting to get a bit upset over how slow it is going. all the other stories on here are of great success within the first month. 3 kg in 1 month is acheivable without the tablets- what am i doing wrong? The doctor has put me up to the 30mg strength tablets a couple of days ago. I havent noticed much of a differnce between the two except that i cant sleep as well. I dont feel like the tablets are realy working for me as i dont have elivated energy levels at all. I feel the same as i used to feel when i was not on Duromine. Except for the dry mouth.
Maybe im just cranky cause im not sleeping well.
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My Journey :)
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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