First blog; Day 6 on Duromine 30mg.

  • Author Penelope_1
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Hello everyone. Not sure if I am writing to a roomful of people or just me.

CW: 86.1 kg
GW: 68kg
Height 168cm

So far: Considering it is just under one week on the pills I am very happy with the loss. It is hard not to get ahead of yourself with that kind of initial weight loss although I know the "water weight" part.

Background; PCOS contributed to fertility issues, IVF and hormone treatments followed, plus 3 pregnancies delivering 2 beautiful children; all different aspects which have played their part in my weight gain over the last 10 years. Recently found I have a trapped nerve in my neck and I really want to avoid surgery. Dr has advised that a reasonable weight loss will assist in reducing the pressure on my spine and therefore delay surgery as long as possible.

Side Effects: Well...wasn't I dreading starting Duromine after reading all the potential side effects! As everyone says, we are all different, so you just need to give it a go and monitor your own body and reactions. I have been really happy as I feel the side effects I have experienced have been mild: Some headaches on days 1 & 2, definite dry mouth, and random instances of increased heart rate. Main cause for concern were the reports of insomnia but I have found that a good "wind-down" routine to bed / sleep has helped me retain an almost normal sleep pattern. Def noticing that I have a 'lighter' sleep but do not feel worse for it the next day. If anything I find I am grateful for the ease in getting out of bed as I am a reluctant riser!

Liquid Intake: Coffee! I was worried the reported insomnia points would prevent me having my daily caffeine hit. As I am not currently experiencing negative points around wakefulness I am still having my daily coffee. I previously was pretty good with water intake (approx 2L per day) however with the dry mouth that has increased to approx 3.5L per day; the net result that the constant trips to the loo are added steps for my exercise goals LOL. Green tea is my main hot drink of the day and separate to my water I average 4-5 cups per day. Have not consumed any alcohol this last week.

Mindset: I think I need to work on distracting myself as I can easily see me becoming obsessed. Every breath,step, decision and thought is focused on weight loss / Duromine. Note to self: maybe some evening meditation or mindfulness can be incorporated to bedtime wind-down.

Food: this is probably my main concern now. My appetite is so decreased that I think I am prob not consuming enough calories per day. I'm wondering if that can have an adverse effect on weight loss? As an example, yesterday's diet was: 1 x coffee, 1 x morning banana, 2 x crackers, snack of handful of nuts, 1 x afternoon banana, 3L of water across the day, evening meal of spag bol (minor serving). Then green tea or water in the evening. It is not because I am refusing to eat, it is because of no appetite that I cannot even decide on what to have that meal times just slip by. My aim is to make sure I have a reasonable brekkie to set me up for the day, then late morning snack, maybe a lunch of tuna & cruskits, mid-arvo snack, then a portioned controlled evening meal with a good protein. I love seafood so have just bought some crimson snapper which I will have for dinner.

Anyhoo.... that's my first post. Not sure how many there will be but this should be a good outlet and help to get my thoughts into words.
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Welcome to the forum, Penelope! Thank you so much for sharing your story and I have a feeling that you feel quite free and relaxed sharing your thoughts here, on the forum. And that’s a great thing. So, yes, it can help you track your progress and meet people, who are going through the same journey that you started.

By the way, congrats on the first weight loss! A truly motivating result!

And applause to you for noticing your obsession. I think that you will find a way out of it, be it with meditation or some fun time with the family. You’ll find a way out, for sure. =))

I wish you all the best and hope that you will lose just enough weight to help with your health issue. Fingers crossed for your success!
@Penelope_1 - how have you been?

Would love to read any of your updates that you feel like sharing :)

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