First time user of Duromine 30 mg and on day 3

  • Author Shaelu
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone!

Well this is my first time taking Duromine I am taking the 30mg. I am now on day three. I wanted to take Duromine over 12 months ago but my doctor at that time would not prescribe it for me, told me to lose weight the old fashion way ha! So a year later I am seeing a new doctor who also was reluctant to prescribe it for me until he seen my cholesterol results, apparently to high! He has given me a 1 month script and I need to go back and see him in 3 weeks, he said if I had not lost 3 kilos in this first month he would not prescribe it again for me as it would be a waste of my money. I found that a little harsh but anyway...My starting weight is 84.4 kilos and height is 161cm My goal weight is to get to 69 kilos although 64 kilos would be awesome!...
So I am now on day 3 and must say I am so anxious my tummy just feels like it is in knots almost like I am nervous, you know that feeling you get before a job interview. I have had a dull head ache most nights, but this could be related to the fact I have had no coffee for 3 days. I am not sure if I have to cut coffee out, but I won't be cutting it out, I need to have coffee! I have given up coke and chocolates 2 weeks prior and pretty much cut all sugar and processed foods out of my diet. I have found i really do not have much of an appetite at the moment, not a bad thing! I feel a little spacey almost like I am here but things seem distant, not sure if that makes sense! I definitely have a very dry mouth. Other than that I already feel like my tummy is somewhat not as bloated but could also be because I have pretty much detoxed from sugar 2 weeks prior.
All in all I am excited and really looking forward to seeing some great results.


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