:( Gastro

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Was up all night with gastro. Not a happy camper.
Didn't go to work today. Spent most of it on the couch with no energy at all. Have eaten very little today.
Am pretty upset that I am going to ruin my 58 day streak of reaching my movement goals unless I find some magic spark and hit the treadmill for an hour and a half (not likely).
Looks like tomorrow will become day 1.


Hahahaha o_O
Just figured out how to keep my streak going.
I just reduced my goal for today.
I am tracking on my 'Misfit'. I figured that because I am unwell it is only fair that I reduced my goal from 10,000 steps to 1,000 steps for today. Do not want to stress my body out by exercising. :confused:
Will increase it back up again when I am well and might even put it up to 12,000 for a week to make up for it.
Really did not want to have to begin again.
Lots of water for me and rest is the best thing.
Poor you, Smick! Get well. And you did all right. No need to stress your body even more. ;)
I hope you are feeling better today Sharon & you are definitely right to reduce your exercise goal for the day or even 2 days whatever you need give yourself time to recover.... sending you a get well hug x :)

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