Getting/Got my script!!!

  • Author Mother of One
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I went to my doctor and explained everything; how I can't lose weight no matter what I do. I can get to 84kg then gain it back (87kg) even with exersice and 'dieting' and trying out shakes and teas, detoxes no luck since having my son & going on the mini pill :(

He has only ever written out 1 other script for it, he thinks it's a last resort (like I do) And agrees with me only doing it for short term.
I only want it to push though the first 10-15kg then do the last 10-15kg myself.
So I've got my fingers and toes crossed this will help me get to my goal; 63kg
Can't wait to get it filled out and start my long awaited weight loss journey.
CW; 86kg
GW; 63kg
When; November 10th :)
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Mother of One
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