Getting impatient!!

  • Author jessiy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Ok, i feel like i am doing pretty well, im at day 7, it has been 5 days since i weighed though and i am trying so so hard to wait until Wednesday so it has been a full 7 days since i have weighed and i can get a proper reading, but it is so hard!!
Every morning i go into the bathroom and take my tablet, look at my scales, and then rapidly remove myself before i jump on them. Two more days!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!
I hope the results are good or i just might cry! :p


You will get great results, cause you are trying so hard. Until then, try to take every day photos maybe. Sometimes the difference is more obvious on the photos than on the scales. Hold on, Jessiy:cool:
Hi Jessiy

I'm currently day 6 at 30mg. I absolutely hear you! It's so hard not to look at those scales because we are hoping and praying Duromine will help us get back to a meaning full existence again.

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