Gotta step it up

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day twenty on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Woke up at 6.45am, had my tablet and a savoury muffin at 7ish and lil man was en route to kindy by 8am. Put some music on and danced my way through cleaning the house ;) literally. A fly on the wall would have been at risk of defecating itself laughing so hard at me 'busting moves'.
Called the health direct hotline for advice about my stomach.. Apparently i have been over doing it and almost certainly have an infection or have damaged the wound as it hasn't healed :confused: Was then told it was imperative that i go to the doctors within the next 4 hours.. Yea like that was totally going to happen.. o_O I have a son who needs me to be here when he returns home, so i did the next best thing and made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon.. I really don't want to go but i can compromise.. Infact i had booked an appointment with my doctor for next Wednesday on the 10th of July so if it was entirely up to me i would say, as i have survived the last 3 weeks or so without dropping dead, it could wait 8 more days but then my parents yelled at me. :laughing: See i can be reasonable. By 11am i was Putting dance central on and grooving away for 1.5 hours. Just dance 3 followed for an hour. Got quite dizzy near the end of the hour so i was glad to stop. Did 20 stomach crunches- yea, a ground breaking record it's not. In all likelyhood i won't accomplish much as far as dancing goes tomorrow as playgroup, shopping and a doctors appointment will monopolise most of my time.
For dinner i made chicken cordon bleu, pumpkin mash and peas. I didn't eat any peas as they are relatively high in carbs and i had already indulged with the muffin for breakfast. I think i ate too much as pumpkin mash as i am suffering from a severe case of acid reflux or something.. fighting to keep the food in my gut. Went for half hour after dinner walk but no running tonight. Drank 2.5 litres of water today. Weigh in was bumped up with doctors appointment so a week from tomorrow and i'll know. Not sure if i am excited or terrified, maybe both.


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