Happy days - Day 18!!!!

  • Author Onmyway
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Morning all,
I should have waited until this morning to get on the scales as Wednesday is my official weigh in - as I have lost 2 kgs this week bringing my total to 8 kgs in 18 days and down to 72kg's!

My target is 69 - but now I am thinking I might bring that down to 67kg..... :)

This week has been very stressful. I have just found out that my father has cancer - I have not seen him for 18 years and made a call to him last night to reconnect.... it was a very strange phone call and he didn't even sound like the person I remember - I am going to see him on Sunday which I am sure will be very emotional. Anyhow - life takes some funny twists and turns..... hope you all have a good day ;)


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