Heading into my third week

  • Author Unity
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Just thought to add some of what has been happening around me.
I am happy to report still no side effects yay....
I have started walking with my son every morning, first time was 3 blocks from home and back.
We now doing 15 blocks and back, brisk walking and loving it.
Started attending my garden, cutting the lawn etc... hubby says he feels bad and wants to take over..
I insist "I AM BURNING CALORIES" he laughs and makes sure I have water...
I don't have a diet that I am following, I am simply doing and living by all the tips I have passed on to others over the years. Like having lemon water early in the morning, eating a green apple before breakfast. Those kinda silly things... seems if only I took my own advice all those years I wouldn't be in the boat I am in now..
This week I am busy repainting our veranda and door frames, so adding more physical work in now.. I no longer crave sweets, chips or chocolates.
Still no mad rush to be loose more than I am now, I am happy with my results thus far.
Slow and steady wins the race....

So i weighed myself... I am now at 113.0kg (20/10/2015)

SW 117.4kg (5/10/2015)


Shocked by this...
This morning after breakfast my tummy worked, after snacks, lunch and dinner..
I first feel bloated and uncomfortable... then I run for the loo..
Now I am wondering if this is normal..

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