How do I fix myself!!!!!!

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I know how to eat right,
I know it works!
So why is it so damn hard for me to stay on track?
When I have a bad food day why does it turn into a bad food week?
then why is it next to impossible for me to get back on track after bad days?

In the first 2 weeks I lost 4kg the 3rd week was a bust now on the 4th week thinking Im going to be right back on track and IM NOT Ive gained back 2kg!! and 2moro (being a friday night) a bunch of my friends are going out for dinner and Im going but, I know ill drink too much and eat the wrong thing ahhhhh
How do i fix myself!!!!!

blogging def helps get it all out, but doesnt help when that serve of hot chips gets put in front of me.
as far as being active its been rain rain rain so all i want to do is bed snuggle movies and duh chocolate.
I feel im my worst friend I feel alone, I feel annoyed, I feel angry and I feel hungry.


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