Introduction and first day.

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi. My name is Sharon and I have been lurking here for a while, trying to decide if Duromine was for me.
I am 46 years old and my weight has been creeping up and up and up. I am now 170 cm tall and 117 kg. That makes my BMI 40 and well and truly in the obese category.
Today I finally took myself off to the doctors and he gave me a script for 30mg tablets. He initially suggested 40mg but after reading this forum, I felt that starting on 30mg might be better. Who knows what kind of side effects I might have?... He also referred me for some blood tests. Thyroid, cholesterol and I suggested he add in a hormone check to see if I have menopause to look forward too in the near future. I will go back in a month to check in on my blood work, weight and see if my Duromine needs to be adjusted up or down.
I'm pretty sure that the first couple of weeks I will have some good losses as whenever I begin a weight loss program that is what usually happens. The test will be in a month time, if it slows down significantly and I can keep it up. My doctor is very supportive, he knows me well.
I had my first capsule this morning and have been waiting to feel different...... Nothing.
Will keep you posted.



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