
  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read

SW: 89.5 kg
GW: 75.0 kg

Just incase anyone is readying I thought it might be a good idea to share a little about myself before talking about Duromine.

I'm currently living in Sydney with my 'man-friend' (been together too long to call him a boyfriend)! I am 20 years old and have a BMI of 33 (roughly). From the moment I hit puberty I started putting on weight so it was in my early teens of course that I started dieting.

As I am sure is the case with most people taking Duromine, I know what I should be doing to be fit & healthy. For me I hate excersize but nevertheless I now have a gym membership & have been going for roughly 2 months (3 days, 1 hour sessions). I like weight training and I have a love-hate relationship with yoga which I also do once a week.

For the last 10 months I have slowly been changing my eating habits from someone who ate whatever she wanted, to a conscientious shopper/eater. I am in no way a poster girl for clean eating but this is the idea that I focus my eating on. For those who aren't sure, the basic principles are that you do not consume any processed foods & add a wide variety of meats, fruit, vegetables & grains to your diet. Where I do not follow this strictly is with:

1. Full cream milk (in my daily coffee)
2. Alcohol
3. Smoking (I know, I know....)

Number 2 & 3 are probably the worst things to cheat on but I don't do either regularly.

Some other things I thought worth mentioning before finishing:

  • I am originally from Cape Town, South Africa so I have citizenship for both countries. Lost my accent a long time ago though!
  • Also, I'm a very open person so feel free to ask questions if you like!


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