January Disaster ! Went From Go To No!

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
well it has been a couple of weeks since I last checked in with you all,been a full on month, would love to say it was because I was exercising, and making healthy meals, etc ...Sadly it WAS NOT ... Firstly MY HEAD was in the right place 100% for the first time in a long while, had set out goals and plans for Jan to be a 100% challenge and goal set for the rest of the year.. Then came a gardening accident, which set me back a week as I was out of action, without the use of my left hand, could not do any rowing , or walking, as soon as the blood pumped into my hand the pain was excruciating, it was so bad I could not drive or hold a cup.. SO I had to accept that I was defeated and had to rest my hand so it could heal...In that week, I decided NO D, and did not write in my journal, once ,it was a very humid and hot week, SO ICE CREAM and GINGER BEER were on the list of things to eat and drink, yes FOR THE WHOLE WEEK... MY head space had gone Awal ..MY BODY NEEDS TO KEEP MOVING ,as it activates a trigger mechanism in my brain ,to NOT eat out of boredom,frustration, happiness, sadness etc etc ,lol ... Just as my hand got better .. I ran up the stairs last week and then came down stairs to do a quick 5min ROWING session ,to get my head space back, somehow in that 5 min ACTIVITY STINT, I managed to pull my Achilles tendon, and bruise it real bad ,to the point of being able to WALK.... so hop along Cassidy was on her BUTT again for another WHOLE WEEK ,only ONE entry in my food and exercise journal for that week..ate better ,but did not weigh, or count calories , and the scale was an ornament in my bathroom... BUT as life goes... THOSE TWO WEEKS of "hell and shame " Were rekindled to a "positive, and motivated "week for me this week, as while I was out of action, my hubby and son were exercising everyday, and eating right .which at the time did NOT make it easier for me to deal with myself and my shortcomings , but it did keep me focussed on what I had to do and what I have set out to do over the last 31 weeks of my NEW life style...Monday I WENT BACK ONTO D first few days nothing really changed, I had to fight my hunger, for the first time in 31 weeks, which was NOT GOOD feeling at all, I was not as thirsty as before when on D, WHICH DID NOT HELP AT ALL ..I did weigh my food and eat all my calories, still no exercise as my heal is still inflamed and swollen and the inflammatory drugs are not working as fast as I hoped, but that could be because I am NOT resting but on my feet most of the day,IT IS DAY 4 TODAY, and this was the first morning I was NOT hungry, and I was very thirsty, but my energy levels are at an all time LOW, even on D I have been in bed by 10pm, and wake up so very tired and not motivated at all .. MY thyroid meds, have definitely given me more of an appetite since THEY UPPED the dosage, and I am not making excuses for my binge eating and drinking two weeks ago ,but I believe my thyroid meds might have triggered my appetite as my metabolism is now fully functional, it would have been gr8 if I was exercising and eating right, but not while I have been out of action, ETC ... I an hoping to start exercising on the weekend, if not by Monday at least ,taking it slow, weigh in is Saturday, I am not sure what it will be up or down or the same, as I have been receiving compliments about my body and looking thinner, yet I am feeling my fattest and bloated etc, hahaha.. I put a belt on this morning that I have not worn in 7 yrs , it fits comfortably in my waist, but the sad thing is ,it is a HIPSTER belt, hahahah.. so I know my HIPS have to be the size of my WAIST soon, that will be CONSIDERED progress !!..but for now I am actually chuffed with myself that the belt fits my waist, as 32 weeks ago I could not even get it around my waist , yup !!! FAT AS !!!!.... I hope all of you have been doing well, and remained positive on your bad days and never give up...May February be a better month for me ,and may I learn from this experience and remember that it really is no worth going off track, 100% when you could be dong 50% of good for your body and mind ..HAVE AN AWESOME ,EXCITING, FUN , HAPPY WEEKEND ALL .. CHAT AGAIN SOON, missed you all, good to be back ...
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Leigh it is great to see you are back. There have been a few of us missing the past month or so (myself included) This time of year is so hard. At least you had reason, your injuries must have been so hard for you to deal with. You are back and that is all that matters. We can help each other get back on track.
2015 is going to be a great year.
Big Girl SA
We all have our "down" time, the trick I think, is to pick yourself up after it, and keep doing what we all know we need to, to lose the weight, and living our new found lifestyles. Ok, so you had a few bad weeks, but guess what? You're back on track! We all have to remember that this is a lifestyle change, its not the same as before, where we used to fall off the wagon and eat crap for months, only to start dieting again "next Monday", or "next year". I'm extremely proud of you! Keep being such a big inspiration to all of us. xoxo
Oh Leigh what a difficult time you have had Hun :eek::( thank goodness your on the mend finally :) I'm so glad your back I missed you. You & sharon have been with me all the way & I need you gals. You know what I have been so good however I lost the plot on Thursday night, I'm home alone ..:cool:.. I didn't eat dinner I ate 5 ferros roches, 3 Greek almond biscuits, 2 peanut butter cups chocolates & a couple of handfuls of m&m's & jelly beans I felt so good:p & then I felt so bad :mad::confused::laughing: lol oh well I put it down to Sh..t happens picked myself up & got back on track the next day ... I haven't execisied all week I'm going through big changes at work & I lost my gorgeous dog of 16 years this week..... Anyway Hun I'm glad your back take care of yourself ok :) talk soon xxxx
Hey Shelly, soooooo goood to hear from u Hun, I feel the same way about you gals, you my mentors !!! sorry to hear about your pooch , it is never easy to say good bye to loyal fury kids, they so part of the family, sure he/she will be missed much ..so totally understand the reason for chokkies, and especially jelly babies, good comfort consoling food for stress and grieving , lol ...MAY this week be a gr8 one for you, thinking of you in this difficult time , change is hard but always good i nthe end, may your work situation be a good outcome for you...xxxxx
Thank you for the motivation Big girl SA !!! APPRECIATE IT GIRL !!! have a good week ..
Hey" Smick" ,Sharon, I agree, 2015 IS OUR YEAR LADIES !!! we going to embrace it and hold on to it no matter what challenges comes our way !!!....Please keep me in your thoughts, this week has been challenging physically for me, my worst in 32 weeks, I just cannot seem to heal my heel , THERE IS NO TIME to sit and rest this foot of mine, I am always on my feet, I try to rest on weekends as much as possible, even using cold ice packs taking meds, etc, but this pain just will not leave me.. This is the longest I have ever struggled with my body being injured, and I am not someone who deals well with pain or not being able to move , it drives me crazy, and I get so impatient with myself , thankfully I am eating right, and sleeping well, but I really miss the treadmill and the rowing, it is my "me " time, and i need it soooo badly ..chat soo ladies, so good to hear from you all , thanks for caring and always being there for me ...xxxxx

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