Journal Entry 8 Duromine Weight loss journey

  • Author TallieAllie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Current Time: 9.00am
Day Day 18
Current weight: 76.7

Dear Journal

I currently weigh 76.7 kilos and was originally aiming for 65kg. I think I'm going to ask my Dr if he can prescribe me the 40mg Duromine tablets after I finish this box.

I have a wedding on the 26th of this month to go to and a size 12 dress that NEARLY JUST fits. Well, I think if I'm able to drop another couple kilos the dress will fit reasonable okay. I just hope my tree trunk legs won't be too big.

Iv started exercising to burn of calories. So my calories out are much higher than my calories consumed. I roughly exercise on a stationary bike for 95 minutes to burn just over 900 calories, I tell you what, my pelvis muscles are starting to ache and become stronger. Something i have not realised before.

This is how iv calculated my calories in vs out:

Resting Metabolic Rate + Calories Burned = Calories used daily.
1600 + 900 = 2500 Calories burned.

Now you have to burn around 3500 Calories a week in order to lose 0.5kg. This can easily be achieved by consuming around 300 less calories and exercising to burn an extra 300 calories. It's a bit confusing at first. eg.

If your resting metabolic rate is 1600, you will need to consume around 1300 or 1200 calories and also burn an extra 300. So you have 600 calories burned for that day. Now X 600 by 7 and you will get 4200. This is your weekly Calories burned. Just well over 3500 calories to lose just over 0.5kg. Easy!!

Now I roughly consume around 700 + calories now. I should be eating more but Iv not felt hungry. So now I will take 700 calories out of the daily used calories.

700 - 2500 = 1800 calories burned daily. This is 3 X more than 600 calories needed to lose 0.5kg

My weekly weight loss:

1800 X 7Days = 12600 Calories burned weekly.

This is around 3.5 times more calories to lose 0.5kg weekly. Ill be able to lose around 1.8kg a week. Nearly 2kg.

Now take NOTE: This calculation is ONLY based on exercising 7 DAYS A WEEK.
( Calculation may vary and I am not a professional. )

A lot of hard work to lose those extra 0.5kg isn't it.

It is a lot easier to put on the weight when you don't realise...

Iv really have to change my habits.

WML. Hope you enjoyed my little mathematic class.

xx T.


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