• Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone ,

I was not able to work out what was causing me to wobble and go off track in all my goals this month ....After writing an entry yesterday to you all.. I took stock of my life, wrote down all the things to be thankful for and all that I have achieved so far ... Sometimes we really do just need to step back from ourselves and breath, centre, and focus...The older I get the more I notice how anxious and hyped up I get if I AM CONFRONTED WITH NEW CHALLENGES, or with my routine going out of wack, or even taking on everyone else's burdens for no reason at all, crazy....

Today I GOT ON THE TREADMILL AND ROWER, not in my gym gear, normal clothes, it was weird, but spontaneous and I felt driven and in control for the first time in weeks...

I realised that I needed to let go of my routine, my discipline thoughts, ie , "put on the gym gear " .... "pre cook your food for the week "....."Journal Journal Journal!!!"..... "DRINK DRINK DRINK"...I only realised yesterday, that I have been so focussed in the wrong way...instead of this being "natural motivation" ,I have been FORCING myself to do things and putting so much pressure on myself for not doing it almost rebelling against my subconscious as I HAVE TIRED MY BRAIN AND EMOTIONS out with all the drill sergeant mental attitude ....
I also placed this stress on myself thinking I HAVE ONLY GOT 8 MONTHS !!! left to lose ALL THIS WEIGHT before my grand child is born...SOOOO unrealistic for me, baby steps Leigh baby steps...

An hour ago, while on he treadmill and rower for 35 minutes in all, after much huffing and puffing and sweating profusely, even dancing at some point on the treadmill to the music in my I pod ,I felt so good, so focussed, my mind was clear again, I have clarity, purpose, motivation and a goal again , not sure how long it will last this time, but going to enjoy it while it does last, and remind myself how blessed I am to have this forum, to have my health, to have all my limbs , food in my belly, roof over my head, a supportive family , and friends , what more do I Need, NOTHING, so time to get on with life and enjoy every moment again the way I always have ... May you all get through your challenges this week, may you face your demons and find your focus again too, and for those of you who do not have these challenges, Thank you for you positive attitudes and blog entries as they keep me inspired and give me hope to keep plodding along ....
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Fantastic go Leigh, I haven't exercised in weeks .... Maybe tomorrow lol ...we have been on this journey for so long ... I guess we need mmmm I don't know what I need .. Yes I do ...I needed a break & so did you it's called being human we can't just be all about food & execrsice, there is more to us than that now I can refocus on me again ..I am finally back on track with the food I would like to continue my journey & lose a few more Kilo's before I go on holidays in April cause we both know I'm gonna eat a cup cake or 2,3,4,5, :eek:;) have a great week ...keep thinking about your grand-baby arriving in 8 months you can get to you goal & remember they keep us grandparents busy & we love it x
Thanks sweet friend ... ye , we can do this, and hey a grandkiddie and cupcakes can only motivate us to goal, heeh hee,, have gr8 weekend, I am off to gym now, feeling a little stiff this morning but it is a good stiff ,will get on scale tomorrow .. chat later Shelly .. :)
I think we are all in the same boat!
You have motivated me to hop on the treadmill before I head off to the shops. Been putting it off today. :confused:
Glad you have had an epiphany I hope it is catchy.
Haaa haaa , Smick ,Sharon ,glad I could help, been so negative, it is all of you who help me climb up the ladder again .. mwah,xx

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