Lets get physical

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day eighteen on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Slept in til nearly 8am had a tin of spanish tuna for breakfast then took my tablet. After cleaning the house i put on dance central while the little man went out to an indoor play cafe with his father, played for an hour. Had a mandarin, folded some clean clothes and put just dance 3 on, played for an hour. 2 hours dance total and i am reasonably proud of myself because after the second hour was up i felt like i couldn't move and i really REALLY wanted to just lay down somewhere and do nothing, for like, ever. So i did another dance.. and then another one. At least i burnt off that slice of pizza from last night :) For tea i made fat juicy peppered steaks, beans and mashed potatoes. I ate one and a half steaks and some beans, no potatoes Woooo :) tried asking myself if i was really hungry mid meal but i really was. It was however a larger dinner meal than I've eaten in awhile but no starchy carbs so I'll count it as a win :) Drank 3 litres of water today. I went on a 30 minute after dinner walk and ran after the lil man for about 8 or 10 minutes.. not all at once but we played zombies (his idea not mine lol) and powers attack so we were putting silly spells on each other which made us kick our legs up to the side or jump continuously or do the chicken dance etc. It was fun. Might try to do some stomach crunches before bed.. Tommorrow i want to start doing some reps with light weights.. Maybe some tinned food if i can find some, it doesn't have to be heavy just want to start toning up- i read that muscles burn more fat to stay alive, laymans terms yea but i get the general idea.. I think :laughing: First weigh in is coming up in less than a fortnight and i really really really (yes really) want to see some positive numbers. Got a compliment from my family last night, was told repeatedly that i am looking healthy. It meant a lot, probably because i believe that i am- healthier, i mean. Its only been 18 days but i do feel more motivated and confident, i am enjoying running around more and trying to push myself. Little things like being able to lift my legs higher and bend down easier sound trivial but they make a real difference.
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