Morning Of Day 3 :) And A Bit Of An Update.

  • Author Elle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So, I decided that I would post here to my blog and report on how I go with my journey on Duromine.

I think, this may sound selfish, but I am writing this probably more for me and to keep me on track and motivated than for anyone else. BUY OFCOURSE I would love comments and/questions :laughing:

Just a quick run down on my progress so far. . .

Day 1: first tablet about 9am. Felt fime for most of the day. I felt a bit tingly at times but I mainly no side effects at all. NO PROBLEMS sleeping, I even fell asleep on the lounge laying on my man ;)

Day 2: Woke up with a headache and then started to feel really nauseous. It was yukk. So I decided to go and have a warm shower. Ot was nice and gave me some relief from the headache. The head ache stuck around for most of the day and as such I got hardly anything done around the house, which is now not impressing me that I still have so much to do which I woukld have liked to have done over the weekend. Oh Well !!! BUT didn't feel sleepy, didn't go to bed till 12.30am, and then didn't sleep but rather just laid there till about 5 and then I dozed.

And Now . . .

Day 3: Woke up at 6 with my alarm, after VERY LITTLE sleep. But I feel ok . . . except that it is FREEZING. I hate the cold !!! Bring on SUMMER !!! So I took my tablet and then headed for the bathroom for a nice warm hower and . . .OH NO . . . no water, the pipes are frozen (BTW, I live out in the country with tank water, sometimes I wish I lived i ntown just so this didn't happen EVERYDAY !! lol . . . but I really do love it out here !!)

I am really not planning on weighing myself all the time, but then you never know, but I weighed myself this morning and was delighted to see that I have lost 2.7 kg already :eek: !! Now that is amazing !! I know this prob won't keep going at this rate . . . but GOD I hope so !!! :laughing:

OK . . . so on with the day, ice and all !! Can't be late fr work this morning, usual monday morning meeting with the boss at 8.30.


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