My Duromine 30mg Mission!

  • Author Tryingtolosethechub
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone or no one if that is that case!

I am 26 years old 172cm and 116.2kg. I have struggled with my weight since having my child 7 years ago. Prior to this I was never more then 70kg. As with most of us I have tried so many different things but the weight just kept piling on and on and on. On Tuesday 14th Feb I was feeling seriously depressed and being Valentine's Day feeling like no one wanted me due to my serious weight gain. I decided to go to the doctor at this point and she prescribed me duromine 30mg this is the start of my journey. I started on Wednesday the 15th Feb and this is how I have been doing it:

Day one - 116.8
Duromine at 0730 with a yogurt
Went back to sleep for 1 hour
Lunch at 1200 tuna and rice
2 litres of water
2 chops and veg

Day two
Duromine at 0730 with yogurt
Lunch at 1230 tuna and rice
Dinner quinoa, rice steamed veg
Gym 20 mins

Day 3 116.2
5km walk
0530 duromine back to sleep for 2 hours
Lunch 1400 tuna and beans
Dinner taco mince and 2 tortillas

Not hungry on this day

Day 4
No exercise
0730 duromine
Lunch ham cheese and pickle s/w on multigrain bread
Handful of almonds
Steak and steamed veg
I have a big headache today it has been there all day, my sleeping hasn't been the best either but I'm hoping to catch up on that tonight. I'm thinking I need to go get something with caffeine in it to get rid of the headache !


Hello, dear Tryingtolosethechub!:)
I am happy to see you're doing a great job and adding more exercise would be even more beneficial not only for your weight loss but also for your overall state. How about side effects? Good if you had none, as for the headache on day 4, maybe you had not enough water or needed more physical activity. Please do not forget to exercise, as it is crucially important. Even a 40 min walk can make wonders with your sleep and keep your cheerful state.

Keep up the good work! You are on the right track.:cool:
Hi Kate!
My side effects are ok. My sleeping pattern is a lot better not since maybe day 3. I have had niggling headaches but it seems I only get these if I skip my morning coffee lol. And Day 2 about 2 hours after I took the duromine I was feeling so angry and anxious, I felt incredibly speedy on that day but I haven't felt like that since.

I try to work out even just walk but I struggle to find the motivation, I am going to try a lot harder. I'm scared to weigh in on Wednesday because I'm worried I won't have lost weight and my motivation will be killed in regard to eating healthy. Time will tell.

I'm on day 5 now, I won't have time to go for a walk it's raining and miserable but I will try find a good YouTube workout or something.

Thanks for your encouragement!!! Means a lot when you have no one else to talk too lol

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