My Duromine journey. by Durominegirl

  • Author Durominegirl
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone!

Not sure if I posting in the right section, but I wanted to write about my experience so far with a few questions for those on the same journey!

Starting weight: 76kg
Height: 163cm
Age: 24
Goal weight: 62kg

I started 30mg of Duromine on Wednesday 26/09, I was petrified after reading a lot of posts and reviews about the side effects, to the point I had my script for 2 weeks but I was too scared to use it.

I read a lot of comments that people would take it very early in the morning so on Day 1 I took the Duromine at 3:30am, went back to sleep comfortably and woke up as usual at 6:30. I didn’t eat when I took it but ate when I woke up - I ate 1 weetbix. I had ALOT of energy getting ready for work, it was loads of fun!
I started to get a bit racey and found It really hard to concentrate at work, my mouth was super dry - I swear I drank about 8 litres of water this day, I was also sweating a little more than usual. Despite this, it wasn’t that bad I felt myself getting a bit more comfortable towards the end of the day. I didn’t eat a whole heap on Day 1, I wasn’t hungry at all. Went to sleep as normal at 10:30pm

Day 2. I took the tablet at about 4-4.30am without breakfast and woke up earlier than usual for work, which was fine - more time to get ready. The day went by as normal, definitely more energised, super dry mouth but that’s it. I ate 1 weetbix at 6am, a yoghurt for lunch, and a tiny bit of homemade fried rice for dinner I was not hungry at all.

Day 3. Similar to day 2, very normal a little more energised, I found I was a bit more hungrier then the first 2 days but nothing like I used to be.
So far my sleeping has been fine, to bed no later than 11pm. I think this is because I take it so early on the morning. Day 3, I had an Up & Go breakfast drink, 3 dumplings for lunch and 2 small pieces of chicken and a few chips for dinner.

Day 4. Is where the questions come in, I had a little bit of energy, but I went for an afternoon nap???? I found myself thinking about food more, I even went out and had a standard sized meal and dessert. I definitely didn’t have anywhere near as much energy as the previous days, and I could have eaten as I generally do.
Is this normal? 4 days in and it feels as though the Duromine wasn’t working?

I am on Day 5 so I will see how it goes.
I haven’t weighed myself yet.

Stay tuned and thanks for reading xxx
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Hi @Durominegirl - so glad you found the forums! and it sounds as though you are off to a great start!

That rushy feeling you are describing is really quite common for a lot of people when they first start taking Duromine, however it doesn't last long. Your body adapts to the drug, so it starts to abide.

One of the things I highly recommend is to start tracking your calories. My Fitness Pal and Lose It are two available apps that have a free option. It really helps you break down what you are putting into your body not only in regards to how many calories you are consuming, but by also breaking down your protein, carbs, sat fat, sugars and sodium. I was shocked when I first starting doing this, not realising that a crap load of the food I put into my mouth was so calorie laden. My drinks which I thought were all good, tended to be over the 150 calorie mark!! So Lose It really helped steer me the right way to be more conscious of what I was putting into my body - thus helping me make better choices :)

Onto your questions;

I don't know what strength you are on? 15mg, 30mg or 40mg? But if you are on the lower doses, just remember you can always see your GP and ask for a higher dose if you feel as though your appetite is not suppressed.

You could also try taking it later on during the day, and see if it makes a difference to your energy levels. Another good thing to add is vitamins. Look at having a multi as well as maybe a vitamin B - these all contribute to your energy levels throughout the day, and what your body doesn't need, it just pee's out.

Did you do any exercise those first few days? Your lack of energy could be as simple as your body rebelling against the lack of calories added to exercise intensity. So on day 4 it's basically gone, "Bugger you, you have made me run around heaps, you haven't fed me like usual, and I'am absolutely knackered!" hence the need for sleep :)

Would love to know how you have been getting on, and to read about your journey some more :)

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