My Duromine Journey

  • Author carmel_07
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey guys!

So I am 22, 154cm and 94.7kgs and have just started taking Duromine 30mg yesterday. I was on it a few years ago for a month or so, lost about 15 kilos but put it all back on due to partying and bad eating habits. I also have a hyper thyroid condition although I hadn't been taking my medication for that and have just started meds for that again yesterday. My goal is to lose 30kgs.

I'm not joined up to a gym but I do have some workout videos and some equipment at home as well. I haven't done any exercise yet as I'm lacking motivation to actually get off my butt once I get home from work.

I took my tablet at about 6am yesterday and felt quite jittery around 7-8am. I had a dry mouth all day so drank about 2 litres of water easily but that was good as I don't drink enough water anyway. I wasn't kept up late however, I did wake up at 4am and stayed awake for an hour so that wasn't too good but that may have nothing to do with the medication as I tend to do too much thinking at night time when I should be sleeping!

Today I took the tablet around the same time and did not feel jittery. My mouth wasn't too dry and I found I only drank 1 litre of water today.

As for eating, the doctor gave me a pack with recipes, a diary and calorie book. It also has a link to the Living Lite website ( Is anyone else following this program? I'm not counting calories yet as I don't really like to. I don't want to be counting every single thing I am eating, that cannot be good for your mind (each to their own opinion). I don't want to take shakes or do any crazy diet. It needs to be simple and actual food. So far this Living Lite program is good although the lowest calorie meal plan they have available is 1500 calories per day. I feel like this is too many calories for someone trying to lose so much weight. How many calories are you having per day?

I haven't really been feeling any different in regards to hunger as the Living Lite program has up to 6 meals. I didn't have the dessert yesterday (fruche) and I didn't have the afternoon snack today (raisin toast) as I am not used to having so much food.

I'm thinking about leaving the weigh in for at least 2 weeks so that I don't obsess over the scales day in day out. I'm an obsessive person so that and calorie counting, I'm gonna try stay away from for now.

I haven't had any other side effects so far but will check back in with you guys in the next few days. Feel free to leave me some advice/opinions/comments, etc. All will be appreciated!


Day 3:

I was awake at 4am again this morning but only for half hour this time.

I took my tablet around 6am when I got up for work. I felt slightly light headed and dizzy about 8-8:30am. I had a bit of a headache as well.

Around 11am (lunchtime for me) I was feeling a bit jittery again. I didn't finish all my lunch, (turkey rye sandwich and yogurt).

At about 2pm I had only had about 300mls of water, bit of a dry mouth but was extremely busy at work so didn't have a chance to grab a drink. I also still felt a bit light headed.

I skipped afternoon tea as I only felt slightly hungry but put that down to thirst as I hadn't had much to drink all day. I thought I would be hungry by the time I had finished work but I wasn't.

It's now about 5:15pm and I'm feeling a bit nauseas. Thinking about getting my blood pressure checked at the chemist tonight just to make sure I'm ok as I've basically been feeling light headed all day.

I've so far drank 750mls and have just filled up my water bottle, will try and finish that before bed.

My moods have been ok so far. Nothing dramatic. I've been feeling pretty tired today actually but nothing out of the ordinary, especially with my thyroid levels and low b12 levels.

Anyone else been feeling nauseas at all? Has anyone actually had any issues with blood pressure since taking Duromine?
Hi Carmel, just got my script filled for duromine 30mgs today so will start in the morning. Hope I'm not putting to much faith in it but really want to kick start my weight loss.... vanity mostly... Can't fit into my lovely skinny clothes! Commenced on Hormone replacement and put on 12kgs in 8 months. I'm 167cms and 82kg. Good luck with your weight loss

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