My first 3 days

  • Author tanyaSA
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So, I can say that my mood has been funny. But I am dead sure it will get better once my body is used to the pill. I feel more awake and go for runs twice a day. I feel like this pill could change it all for me. I have been to personal trainers, gyms, it took way to long to loose weight and i constantly felt like I just wasn't in the mood to go train. My appetite is not as it used to be .. I am thirsty all the time. :) But its a good thing. I ate pasta on my first day (my mom came over - couldn't resist. LOL) But slowly but surely breaking the habits of a over eater!!

Can't wait to start seeing results, I have a size 34 Guess jean screaming my name that I fit into 18 months ago (i am a 38/40 now)


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