My journey day 4

  • Author Yellow
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I've made it to day 4. I can't believe it, and with minimal symptoms. Before I blog I'll tell you how:

First - Headaches; Because you body goes through a big change on D it requires more water, so by always having a water bottle with me I have drank up to 5 or more bottles of water during the day, no more headaches.
Second - Mood swings; I no longer believe that D causes mood swings, what I truly think it is, is that while on D it suppresses your appetite, and when I'm hungry I get very grouchy. Now being on D you wont know when your hungry so by having at least 3 small meals a day it has kept my mood in good spirits.
Third - sleep; I've never had a problem sleeping on D but sex helps to calm ones body so try that lol.

Ok, back to the blog.

Being on Duromine (D) this time around has been a completely different experience to when I was on Metermine (M) (the generic brand). I'm no longer hungry all day long so it has enabled me to not snack or binge eat and really concentrate on what im putting in my body. Also because I always feel full I am able to portion control without feeling starving after a meal and going crazy fighting with myself not to eat more. The past 4 days I have been having very small breakfasts, 1 piece of bread or fruit. for lunch I have 1 piece of fruit or 1 sushi roll and for dinner I have been having a very small portion of vegetables or 1 piece of fruit. I am having a few dizzy spells but Im sure its because of the huge portions difference so I'm also taking a womans multi and iron which has helped hugely.

I am determined not to weigh myself until the end of my course as I tend to get extremely obsessed over kilos and it will often put me in an agro mood if I haven't lost anything, but what I am noticing is that my size 14 shorts don't push into my hips like they use to. When I take them straight out of the dryer they slip on like heaven :) No more love handles in my size 14 shorts. also I have noticed a few pairs of my underwear are starting to sag in the bum department. It's really exciting to see.

I haven't started on any exercises yet as I live a pretty active life style just being a mum to a 1 year old boy but we have started going for walks to the park during the day.

Today is day 4 and it is 9am in the morning, I decided to blog early because I have a CT scan at lunch which has made me very nervous and anxious so I thought it best to blog about my week so far without the clouded judgement of my nervous feelings getting in the way lol.

Will blog again in a few days times. Fingers crossed I keep making progress.

Yellow x


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