My journey on Duromine 40mg

  • Author Shanlei
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
well i started taking 40mg duromine 3 days ago. This is not the first time on duromine, last time i lost 38kg in 6 months (wow i love seeing those photos). I had to stop taking them due to a major operation and did not go back on them. Now i weigh a whopping 101kg and the doctor automatically wrote me a script for 40mg. So 3rd day in, insomnia badly, at night i have to counter act them with mersyndol (which u buy over the counter) to be able to sleep at night as I went to work on the Monday after NO SLEEP AT ALL. Felt like i was having an outer body experience. Then finally sleep. Woke up today feeling like i could take on the world. Diet has changed dramatically. For lunch im taking a small tub of yoghurt, celery sticks, small salad and 4 bottles of water (OMG water tastes so good when you are on these pills). Tonight my partner ordered pizza while i ate a tub of Fruche for dinner. Was kind of depressing that i couldnt join my family for dinner but i know i will benefit in the end. I havent weighed my self to see if I have lost anything. I will wait until the end of the month so I get a nice suprise (hopefully). Im not feeling hungry at all but I know i have to eat and I force my self.


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