My Journey So Far...

  • Author Holly92
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Current weight: 95kgs
Height: 174cm


I'm Holly and I'm from South Australia. I was prescribed Duromine on 20/08/2015 - it is only my fourth day of taking it. I have had no side-effects other than being really thirsty which is a great thing because it reminds me to drink water! Also my sleeping pattern is fine at the moment, taking my pill every morning around 6am...

When I first met my partner I was 65kg and have piled on the weight. Lucky he loves me all the same :)

I would like to get down to 75kgs. My first small goal will be to get down to 90kgs. I have made a list of small weight goals to keep me focused a bit better.

I have been going to the gym 3/4 times a week and walking the dog on the weekends. I am having trouble eating though - I am just not hungry. And when I do eat something, I almost feel guilty!! It has been surprisingly easy to give up fizzy drinks and sweet things.. and I am proud of myself for that.

My energy levels are amazing, I am doing more things and even getting up earlier (which is a small step - but a good one). I can't wait to weigh in on Thursday the 28/08/2015 however I am a bit apprehensive that I will spiral back to depression if I see the number on the scales. I guess any loss is a win, but you always want to make yourself proud, don't you? I want to feel proud again. Gets me thinking... should I weigh in at all? Or should I just go by how I am feeling in my clothes...? Hmm...o_O

Anyway, that's just a small snippet of my journey so far.

Holly xx
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Hi Holly, my name is Narelle and my weight height stats, and goals, are very similar to yours! Don't be too hard on yourself about weighing in. Just wait until you feel ready. Have you taken your measurements yet because that is another excellent indication of what you are achieving.

Hi Narelle,

It's nice to 'meet' someone who is in the same boat!

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I don't think I will weigh in until I am mentally ready. I just have to keep going and stay positive! I haven't taken measurements recently but I might do that soon...

Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.

Holly xx

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