My progress on duromine

  • Author Jessykah
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Hello everyone my names Jess I'm 19 around 163 cms tall and my starting weight was 62 kilos.
Please don't judge me I wanted to share with you all expirience so far.
Basically I have been training and eating clean for over 2 months and when I say eating clean I mean I've had nothing I'm a very determined person so I trained my body to eat well and never compromised.
I excersise 6 days a week and also went to the 1000 stairs track in furntree gully every second day doing them 2 times.
I also did weight training 3-4 times a week after all of the hard work eating well and working out like crazy I still didn't have the results I wanted I didn't expect them straight away but I expected something.
Basically my legs toned up really nicely and my butt but I've always carried my extra weight on my love handels and thighs and this simply just didn't want to move I tried everything my uncles a pt he trained me so it wasn't that I was doing the wrong excersise or anything.
I then thought I needed a little extra help so I started taking duromine 30mg yes I know what you are all thinking "this girls crazy she only ways 62 kils but please remember I have been and still am putting in the hard work so I don't see it as a easy way out so please be understanding :)

So I read and did a lot of research online and made sure I knew what I was getting myself into I only want to get my weight down to 55kilos I don't want to be really thin just in shape so this is what I've been doing and it's working!

Monday 15th oct 61.9
This was my starting weight was not on duromine yet I did the 1000 stairs in furntree gully up and down X3 and eated clean.
Breakfast - oats with a banana and 1tbs honey, 3 prunes
Snack - some turkey breast on a whole grain corn thin with extra lite ricotta spread.
Lunch- tuna with green beans, broccoli, little bit of corn and 4 bean mix
Dinner - chicken tenderloins marinated in the nandos basing with broccoli and broad beans.
Then if I'm still Hungary I have 40grams unsalted cashews and a glass of little milk.

Tues 16th oct
60.8 kilos
This was my starting date on duromine I woke up at 5 am to take it but I weighed myself when I woke up and was happy with the results but I did think that I would put it back on tommorow please remember this was my first day on duromine and I weighed myself in the MORNING.

Now this is when it gets interesting

I woke up full of energy so I knew that it was working I got up wasn't Hungary at all but here's the difference I didn't care I still ate my usaul breakfast and lunch and dinner I made myself yes your not Hungary on it but that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat I want to be able to maintain myself once I've finshed my dossage I'm only doing 1 month.

Then I went to the gym and I've never been able to workout so hard in my life.
It was amazing I was song things I could never do I did 38 mins on treadmill running on a fast pace for 3-4 mins straight then 30sec rest then I did cross trainer on for 15 mins hard out no stopping.
I was shocked I felt so good I didn't know when I was going to end my heart rate was up and I made sure I kept it up most of the time not letting it drop below 160 during rests.
I take my tablets at 5 am every morning I won't lie I couldn't get to sleep till about midnight and I did have a dry mouth but that's okay.

Wednesday 17th oct
Weight 60.00!
This was the first time I've got this low since ages I did drop to 60.4 a few weeks so before duromine but it was only for one day so I was stoaked!
I took the till at 5am and went along with my day as usaul had so much energy got everything done + more and felt great I still ate all my meals and then went to the gym with my uncle who is a pt and did a session at the gym.
I didn't get to sleep until about 12 midnight again but I feel great :)

Today is thurs 18th oct and I just weighed myself and I am now
59.6 kilos
Finally in the 50s it's still morning so I haven't had my full day yet but I've just ate my usaul breakfast and I will go on with my usaul routine.

I just wanted to encourage everyone that you can still eat and loose weight and if you want to be able to maintain the weight you need to train your body into eating and excersising everyday my body's use to it now it just needed a little kick start on the tummy hehe

I will post more results as I go but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
And I know people will be saying that I'm not fat I shouldn't be on it but just remember I am not relying on it I am putting all the hard work in if not more and if this continues I may only need it for 2-3 weeks.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone :)


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