• Author Catharina
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
***I am creating this blog in order to share facts regarding Duromine and to share my experience with Duromine.Before i start i want to say that this is my personal experience and i dont advice anybody to start it without Dr reccomendation,neither i say its the best weight loss program ,and am not responsible for any actions from other Duromine users.I am just sharing my experience ,and my strategies for this drug,in order to get advices from other users and sucessfully pass this road by myself.All statements here,are 100% honest and experimental,and are not intended to copy by other Duromine users due to the high health risk factor***

Hello to all DUROMINATORS ! :laughing:

Soo here we are...Finally after spending more then 4 years ,searching for that miracle drug,i somehow found it. My history with diet starts before 4 years,when i just wanted to lose weight because of my carrier.Before anybody put the gun on my head and say **Are you crazy you do all this cause of carrier??** i wanna explain that is not about carrier only,its who i am,and without who i would not be the same person.Its my strong wish being healthy,good looking and always in shape.
I have a history of binge eating... :/ Even today i am strugling to pass that sh** so thats the main reason i started Duromine. I have been treated in past with other medications for BE but not successfull as my problem will always fight me...
I didnt know about Duromine,but i heared about Reductil or Sibutramine. I wanted to try to find that,but then i realised its off the market and high health risk. Thats how i learn about Duromine. Just reading on net,and voila here it is... After long research i wanted to find it...But...here is a catch... its not a medicine prescribed in my country... So i have been trying to find it on net,on online pharmacies,being scamed a couple times etc...
Just before i quit and say my life is over,i decided to go to other country where it is normal and ask for help.
I visited a professional clinic specialized in general weight loss and explained my problem.I told them my problem,which is mainly connected to the binge eating and not to losing weight,since if you see me you would not even think that i struggle with kilos.After all questions and measuraes Dr explained me all.She was soo kind and she really cares about me. She gave me 3 month prescription with Duromine 30mg,with accompanied Liposinol and Zenoctil as well as Easy 123 Slimlicious,which will help me also lose weight and help with constipation etc...
As i am writing now its almost my 3 week on Duromine,but i would count it 4 th day,since the last 2 weeks were not affecting me at all...
I hope i will pass this trip successfull and finally find a balance in my life!
I appreciate any advice you will give me,but please dont judge me cause of my actions. Not everybody are the same!
Thank YOU!!!


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